Saturday, 24 March 2012

Launching Ariana into the stratosphere

Hi. I'm a writer, and my name is Elise Moto. I wrote my first novel, The Amazing Adventures of Miss Ariana Okata, a few years back, and have been editing and rewriting it ever since. It will be available on Smashwords soon, and I'll be posting the link here when it is. Oh, and it's free.

Here's the plot summary:

Ariana Okata loves her job as a receptionist for an up-and-coming Vancouver mining company, especially after a big gold mine strike in Asia promises to make all of the company's employees rich. She also loves Laboutins, fake eyelashes, mohitos, miniskirts and itty bitty purse dogs, more or less in that order. And, for some reason, British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. But when her boss is murdered, to her great shock, Ariana becomes a suspect. Embarking on a series of fantastical adventures around the globe, she sets out to clear her good name and, in the process, win the affections of the lead detective on the case.